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So many of us spent this past weekend reflecting on the difficult journey of Jesus and the miracle that followed. A lot happened in 3 days. Friday was devastating, Saturday there was silence, and Sunday brought the miracle of the resurrection. Peter marveled at the empty tomb wondering what had happened. Marvel is defined as being filled with wonder or astonishment. It is easy for us to marvel at the miracle on Sunday.

As I spent my quiet time this past week reflecting, I was drawn to the post resurrection story of the Walk to Emmaus. Two men are on their way to Emmaus and talking about everything that had happened. Now this doesn’t seem unusual as I am sure many people were buzzing about what had happened. What I am struck by in this story is how in Luke 24:15 Jesus just casually shows up and engages in conversation with the men.  Jesus is unrecognizable to them at first and they are just having a conversation about the events of the prior week with, of all people, Jesus! He shows up when the men are lost, hopeless, and overwhelmed and he provides insight, hope and peace. I marvel at the subtlety of Jesus’s presence with ordinary men walking on that path. He just shows up when the men least expect it and turns the conversation around.

This weekend I was moved by a story told by my pastor about the Atacama Desert in Chile, known as the driest place on Earth. This area is harsh and barren. The fascinating thing about the Atacama Desert is that hidden underneath the dry and cracked soil there are over 200 varieties of flowers. Every few years the desert gets a years’ worth of rain in one day resulting in the magnificent miracle of the desert bloom. In a place that is dry and hopeless, rain provides incredible beauty. Just as my days sometimes seem dry and hopeless, God provides hope and beauty.

I marvel at how patient God is with me even when I am in the desert and can’t see the flowers that are coming. Just as Jesus showed up on that walk to Emmaus, God is always by my side showing up! The miracle of Easter reminds me to re-order things that might seem out of control and marvel at God’s faithfulness to walk alongside me no matter what! During dry seasons, like in the Atacama Desert, we must remain faithful to see the blooming flowers that are coming. Just as we reflect about the heaviness of Good Friday, we are hopeful of what is to come on Sunday, and we marvel at the miracle of the resurrection.

How are you noticing where God is showing up in your life? Sometimes, it’s when we least expect it – like flowers blooming in a dry and barren desert or Jesus walking the path to Emmaus with two ordinary men sharing the good news! I pray that as you spend time with God, you are able to marvel at the moments where God is walking right beside you, speaking to you, providing comfort, and performing miracles!


Written by Christine Brevik, Chief Operating Officer

Coaches Spotlight: Yvette Garcia

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What drew you to YadaFactor? 

I heard about YadaFactor from my friend Mona. She was in my Bible Study Fellowship group and she continued to hear my prayer request be “To know the Lord more and more.”  She told me how it would be so with YadaFactor. She was soooo right!!!!

What do you like about coaching?

I love seeing how much God loves His people. He is so present in our lives and is so faithful.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy my bible studies and spending time with my family and friends.

What one word would you use to describe Yada?


Why would you suggest Yada to friends and family?

God said it Himself in Jeremiah, “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community?

I am always in awe of how much God loves His people. He shows us in the lives of those He has entrusted us with. We get a front row seat to His love, grace, mercy, faithfulness and so, so much more.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I love how God orchestrated that YadaFactor would be an online class and even with living in New Mexico, I can still be a part of it. The added bonus was it was done on Zoom and that seamlessly kept me connected even in my Bible Studies.


Team Member Spotlight: Bruce Plourde

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Hello, Yada Family.

I am Bruce Plourde, a husband, father of two boys, YadaFactor course graduate, and newly elected YadaFactor board member, currently living in Greenville, SC. Having grown up in South Florida, I was fortunate to watch YadaFactor develop and grow from the original triad (Cindy, Debbie, and Pegi) to such an incredibly supportive ministry helping people around the world who desire to know God, be known by Him, and to share that relationship with others in such a safe and sacred way.

I can’t ever remember a time when I didn’t know Jesus as my Savior. Although I was immersed in church and had a solid Christian faith my whole life, I struggled a lot with my relationship to God when I was growing up and throughout college. I always believed He was there, but I didn’t know how to hear from Him. I would pray to Him, but really, I only hoped that He heard me and might answer in some way. Can you relate?

I got married right after college, worked as an architectural designer and taught design courses at a local college until I took a staff position within a megachurch’s growing communications department. Soon after, my wife and I had our first son, and life just kept getting busier. In 2006, we decided to move to South Carolina to start our own art-fulfillment business. We joined a thriving church, got involved serving, participated in small groups, etc. Life was great. We were doing what we loved, had a beautiful home and family, attended a great church, but somehow there was still this “do I really know God” feeling under it all.

What I began to realize was that although I had a full and vibrant life with our family, business, church, and community, it was covertly replacing my purpose of intimately knowing God and being known by Him. I was missing the whole reason I was created by God in the first place – to look and listen to Him through a Divine relationship before all the doing of works-based responsibilities for Him. How we connect with God to hear what He has to say about who we are in Him is so critically life-sustaining and life-giving. From His words to us and through our words to Him, we find an eternal equipping to be and do, as He intends. He fills our cup with Himself and from that “we can do all things” (Philippians 4:13). It all starts with time alone with Him.

Psalm 33:4 says, “For the word of the Lord holds true and we can trust everything He does.” As I currently journey through Psalms, I am often comforted by God because He hears and sees us in the midst of our daily battles and is our Ever-Present Advocate, Protector, Provider, and Giver of Peace. I am so grateful for ways I have learned to hear God through YadaFactor and for the daily impact it has on my steadfast pursuit of knowing Him more. What was once so much “doing” in my life has now turned into a deeply rich and sweet communion with the Holy Spirit and with others. I hear Him and He hears me, and nothing can be better.


Bruce Plourde
YadaFactor Board Member

Kingdom Wonder

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Sunday, March 13th – 6:15 – 7:27 pm, on my porch

Bill is my stepfather. I wanted so much more than what we had, yet he was always there for my mother, by her side for close to 50 years.  He is Daddy Bill to me, and I believe God allowed him to discover wonder in the later years of his life.

A recent sermon by Al Barth at Spanish River Church helped me experience God’s wonder. In Matthew 4:17, Jesus began to introduce the kingdom of God, saying, “the kingdom of heaven is near.” As Pastor Barth explained the limits of the kingdom of this world, he reminded us that God continues to break through this world so we can know him. I loved how he called God the God of the cosmos. He explained that we have two worlds at work: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. It was so clear as he spoke this message.  I saw the wonder of God in those few moments like never before as he simplified these two worlds.  He said, “But God throughout history continues to reach into our reality, into human existence, interfering with us because he loves us.”

Throughout history God has continued to break through the kingdom of this world, like when he spoke to Noah, telling him to build an ark, and when he told Abraham to leave his country. As Pastor Barth gave examples of how God has broken through the cosmos, it was as if I could see a crack in the heavens, with a flash of how God has broken through my own life to direct my path.

The Bible tells story after story of how God was present in many life journeys. The loss and pain of evil perpetrated in the kingdom of this world is not foreign to God. He continues breaking through the cosmos with ears to hear the struggles that come with life.

The ultimate Wonder broke through the cosmos when Jesus Christ entered this broken world as a baby. Now, through him and the Holy Spirit’s power, anyone who will cry out to him can receive the strength to keep going, trusting Jesus, the only one raised from the dead, with astonishing wonder! He has broken through this worldly kingdom with his life to show us the Father’s Kingdom and a love this world can barely grasp. So, cry out, look up, reach out for God and he will show you his wonder. Then live a life that speaks of God’s wonder and share it.

Bill was such a tall strong man, yet death is consuming him as I write this blog. Death will come to me and to those who come after me until the kingdom of this world is finished, and the kingdom of God reigns forever

I received a call at 7:27. Bill passed away at 7:23 as I was writing this story. Thank you, Jesus, for your wonder. I know Bill is with you now and he’s laughing with joy at the wonder of you.


Written by Debbie Csutoros,

Co-Founder & Executive Director 

Coaches Spotlight: Luann Street

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What drew you to YadaFactor? 

I was struggling in my quiet time to really hear from God. A friend asked me and another friend to take the class and we would form a triad after we were done. I thought I would see how this class would help me.

What do you like about coaching?

Teaching others a method of hearing from God that has totally changed my life. Seeing God work in each and every one who leans in.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Too many things! Pickleball, scrapbooking, quilting, knitting, hiking, reading, RVing

What one word would you use to describe Yada?


Why would you suggest Yada to friends and family?

Because everyone needs a chance to grow closer to God in a way that will forever change your life moving forward.

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community?

Being a coach is a true blessing and a struggle when you have to set aside time on a regular basis for class, but in the end the true blessing is in the obedience and the gift of giving others something that will change their life.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

In 2016 my husband and I had the dream of full-time RVing before we retired. We jumped in with both feet and the Lord led us to create a business to serve and support the RV community. We spent 5 years living and traveling in our RV until Jesus took Bryan home. I am now continuing the business and my RV life and plan to include YadaFactor in my support of the RV lifestyle where those of us who are not stationary can connect and and grow closer to God using this amazing method of connecting and growing.

Luann pictured with her triad (Christine and Joi) during a recent trip where they all met for the first time outside of zoom.

Team Member Spotlight: Dana Nicewander

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Hi everyone! My name is Dana Nicewander and I have been practicing Yada for 15 years. I currently serve as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida and I also serve on the Board of Directors of YadaFactor.

A few months ago, when the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were nearing, my schedule and responsibilities became even more demanding than usual.  I noticed in my Yada journal that I had been missing a lot of time with the Lord. My heart, soul and spirit noticed it as well.  I’m guessing there have been times when you have experienced this as well. Sometimes three or four days would pass before I made it to my desk to open my Bible and spend time with God. Too long between sips of living water.

It seemed like I was running from one deadline to the next, simply trying to keep my head above water and breathe. Ever feel this way? Some mornings I simply did not believe I had time to fit in another thing, let alone linger and savor my time in the Word. So, I did what I was originally taught through YadaFactor, and I prayed and asked God where He wanted me to be in Scripture. My mind screamed that it needed to be easy. My heart said it needed to be simple. It needed to be somewhere that would not require too much mental energy or I knew I would not engage.

The Holy Spirit gave me clarity. I was to praise Him during the holiday season and so I was sent to the book of Psalms. But to add a little twist, the Lord put on my heart to read the Psalms backward, starting at Psalm 150 and working my way to Psalm 1. Why not take a fresh approach?

I remember thinking to myself, “How hard can it be? Certainly, I can read one psalm a day.” I still repeat this to myself on mornings when the TO DO LIST is calling, “Certainly, Dana, you can read one psalm today!” This gets me to my desk. This gets me to my Bible and my journal. The Spirit guides from there.

Today I read Psalm 67. Tomorrow will be Psalm 66 (a mind bender, I know!)  I was reminded that His face shining upon me is enough. It was enough for the Israelites. It is enough for me. Had I rushed through my morning, I would have missed this incredible truth.

My New Year’s resolution: Mary first, then Martha.

Comments or feedback? Contact Dana at

Prone to Wander or Wonder?

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It’s amazing how the word wonder has different meanings. According to Webster the definition is “a cause of astonishment or admiration” or “a feeling of doubt or uncertainty.”

I think of the hymn lyrics:

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

In 2005, I believed God told me in my time in scripture that I would be moving from Florida (my Egypt) to go to a “Promised Land,” which I believed was Colorado. It took five years, and God allowed many circumstances to move in my husband’s heart, but we went in 2010. We were there almost three years when great trials came.  I felt the Spirit revealing that this was my wilderness time, and that it was temporary, but I was not open to hearing that message. I began to wonder if I had heard God correctly the first time.

Today I was reading Luke 7:18-35. John the Baptist was in prison, and he sent messengers to ask Jesus, “Are you the One who is to come, or shall we look for another?”

John was in wonder and amazement when Jesus came to be baptized by him, saying “I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?” (Matthew 3:14).  And “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is He of whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who ranks before me, because He was before me’” (John 1:29-30).  Why did John then wonder later when in prison, hoping to be released?

Jesus did not rebuke him, but said He was fulfilling prophesies in Isaiah through healing and telling others good news. We often doubt and begin to wander when prayers are not getting answered in ways we thought. Little did I know that three and half years later, in 2013, God would send us to live in Lynchburg Virginia, which I did not see as a “Promised Land.” But now, nine years later, I have more hindsight to see God working all things out for good and for our best.

The real struggle is to stay in scripture to continue to hear God speak until He gives full revelation of the work He is doing in our lives and in our world till He returns. Having my Yada sisters along for this journey was critical to not fully wandering away.

Like the lyrics, He knows I am prone to wander. However, He is the One who leads me to wonder in awe of all He does, despite my doubt. John was not released from prison but was soon united with Christ after His resurrection. I can only imagine the joy and wonder he experienced when he was was united with his Lord for all eternity.

Now that is a wonder that awaits us all!

Cindy Chamberland is our resident thinker and a forever student of God’s word. Cindy has a doctorate in clinical counseling and a private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor in Lynchburg, Virginia. She has a passion to connect with people and help them find hope and healing. On the weekends Cindy loves to ride motorcycles with her husband of 35 years to see the incredible beauty in God’s natural world. She also enjoys running and hiking in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. She has two grown children and six grandchildren.

Coaches Spotlight: Sherri Twiggs

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What drew you to YadaFactor? 

I had just finished a Bible Study “Discerning The Voice of God” and at the conclusion of the study I still had no idea how to hear God’s voice. The study explained why it’s important and that it certainly is possible to hear God’s voice, but it fell short of telling us HOW to hear God’s voice. Debbie Csutoros’ mom, Carole, was in my table discussion during that Bible Study and she introduced me to Debbie, who coached me in the Yada method.  I knew there was something different, deeper, richer about Yada.  It kept drawing me back as I learned to hear God’s voice as a whisper at first, then he began to speak louder and clearer. Yada is now as much a part of me as breathing. It’s my lifeline.

What do you like about coaching?

I love coaching!! I love meeting the women in each class and never want to give them up. I love watching their initial confusion of what Yada is all about turn into insight. Their trepidation about journaling, sharing and giving feedback turns into something they look forward to as they grasp the process. I love hearing their stories of how God answered prayer or how they heard God speak, often for the first time.  Many share how they are learning to let God lead in the midst of some pretty difficult situations. I love being given the opportunity and blessing to be used by God in such an amazing way.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to read. I love to walk and I have completed 12 half marathons. I love riding my bike. And I also love FaceTime with my three grandchildren.

What one word would you use to describe Yada?


Why would you suggest Yada to friends and family? 

I know and have experienced, many times, God’s working power in situations in my life. I have witnessed his changing of MY plans into his plans. I hear his voice sometimes as gentle as a whisper and at other times he roars like a lion, but one thing is sure because of Yada, he absolutely speaks.

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community? 

I’m grateful that we are in such an amazing community doing this together. We are getting ready to sell our home in Florida and build a home in eastern Tennessee and we’ll be living and traveling in our 45′ fifth wheel motorhome. YIKES!!!


Team Member Spotlight: Cindy Chamberland

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The Year of the Lord’s Favor

Hello! My name is Cindy Chamberland. I am one of the YadaFactor Co-Founders and Board Member. I wanted to share some of the “beginnings” as often we look at January as a time to start over or make resolutions that we often find challenging to keep. Each time I come across Isaiah 61 and see title “The Year of the Lord’s Favor”, I think “could this be the year?”

Isaiah 61 was the first “promise” I was told in a time of my life I felt like giving up; on my marriage and life itself. I was crying out to the Lord with all that was in me. When I was in Isaiah 61 the first verse stood out to me as if Jesus himself was speaking audibly to me personally.

Jesus told me He was the anointed one to come to me; a very brokenhearted woman and promised He would set me free. This was also at a time when God was calling me out of a large Bible study as a leader, as well as a college/career leader in my church. I could not understand why God would ask that of me when serving was my joy and lifeline, but He knew I needed to get to the roots of my own pain.

This began a journey of personal counseling and a few months later, Pegi, Debbie and I began meeting to share our struggles. As we did, God led us to read, journal, and share with each other what we believed God was saying to us. So often, after we met, we would leave our time together amazed at what the Holy Spirit was revealing to us which we had not experienced together in Bible study.

It was about a year later, God brought me back to Isaiah 61 and revealed to me that He was calling me to be sent out to heal the broken hearted, set captives free and release from darkness for the prisoners as a counselor. I was dumbfounded as I was 38 years old and had not completed an undergraduate degree. I knew I would have to go back to not only get that degree, but also a Masters degree. I thought it was too late and I was too old, but God had other plans. I was accepted to Palm Beach Atlantic University where I spent next 6 years completely both degrees and 5 years later also had completed a Doctorate degree.

Since this first promise, God has given me many more promises for myself, my family, and for the call of YadaFactor and counseling. God asked me to put all my promises in one book so I can one day write a story of all God foretold to me that has been fulfilled. I credit the commitment Pegi, Debbie and I made to each other to meet faithfully for 18 years, as so often we wanted to give up. By not doing so, we were able to persevere while holding each other up in prayer and love. We experience “The Year of the Lord’s Favor” time and time again, every year.

Currently, I am reading through the book of Luke. Luke 4:18-19 was spoken by Jesus in a synagogue when he was quoting Isaiah 61. He stated vs. 21 “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Many were amazed as we should be as well. He came to earth from Heaven above and He will come again. Maybe this can be the year of the Lord favor for all of us in his coming as well as coming to know/yada Him intimately.

What are your New Year prayers and promises you can write down in your own journal or promise book? God is speaking! This belief is the heart of all of us at YadaFactor as we hope every ear hears Him and all have eyes to see Him at work in your life. May we all have a year of the Lords favor.

God bless!


Cindy has been married to her high school sweetheart for 39 years Pete living in Lynchburg Virginia where her two married children live as well as her 7 grandchildren. Her parents moved from Florida to live in Va near their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Cindy and Pete love to ride on their motorcycle to enjoy the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and nature all around them.



Coaches Spotlight: Jessica Davie

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What drew you to YadaFactor? 

I was introduced to this thing called YadaFactor about 10 years ago when my family lived in Boca Raton. A friend from our church invited me to attend an informational meeting about Yada and I loved what I heard! I was active in a local triad for a few years before my family moved to the Orlando area. Though we plugged into a church right away, and I was active in the women’s Bible studies, I still felt the void of YadaFactor. Frustrated and struggling a bit, I happened to do a google search and found the YadaFactor website. I connected with Debbie Csutoros, who encouraged me to sign up for the beta online YadaFactor class they were getting ready to offer. I did so, and it was the breath of fresh Holy Spirit filled air that I needed! Though the practice of YadaFactor hadn’t really changed, the depth of information presented in the course really just brought new life to YadaFactor for me! I still find it amazing to see what God has done over the years to grow YadaFactor!

What do you like about coaching?

There is a lot to like about coaching! I love YadaFactor, so it is obviously exciting to share my passion for this practice of meeting with God with others! It is exciting to see the transformation and growth of the class participants, and it is incredibly fulfilling to be a part of another believer’s journey to finding deeper intimacy with God. You would think that coaches are blessing others with their time, efforts, etc., and they are! But what i find surprising is how blessed I am each time I coach!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have a lot more spare time now that my husband and I are empty nesters. That said, I still field lots of phone calls that fly in randomly from grown child 1, 2 or 3! I enjoy hanging out with my honey of 27+ years, and we’ve enjoyed leading a church small group together over the past few years. I’ve also been taking some online classes through Reformation Bible College, which have me reading books I would never have read on my own, writing papers (which I surprisingly, thoroughly enjoy), and taking exams (which I unsurprisingly, thoroughly loathe!). I also help a little here and there as needed with YadaFactor behind the scenes, because I just can’t get enough of it! And though I love the social and relational pieces of YadaFactor, I really am an introverted homebody, so I love my time at home with my standard poodle and golden doodle! I walk them daily and love to exercise (I know, I’m weird)! Lately, the bulk of my spare time has been spent purging our home as we anticipate a move to New Jersey sometime this spring.

What one word would you use to describe Yada?

Precious! This seems to be the word I come back to again and again during YadaFactor classes. The YadaFactor method has created for me a precious time with the Lord. Something that used to feel more like a to-do for me has morphed into the highlight of my days! To know God intimately is simply precious. And it truly is a precious gift to be able to share this with others through coaching!

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community?

I am thankful for the community of coaches within YadaFactor! I am super thankful for all the hard work put in behind the scenes to make YadaFactor possible. I know it is truly a labor of love! We are all blessed by the faithfulness of those involved!