What drew you to YadaFactor?
I would have to say the Holy Spirit drew me to YadaFactor! I had been consistently asking God to reveal Truth to me during my frustratingly quiet times with Him. A friend, who has since become very dear to me, invited me to sign up for the course and I immediately considered the words I would use to politely decline her invitation. My introverted nature began to sweat thinking about sharing with other women in a small group. The leading of the One who knows me better than I know myself was very persistent! I said yes to the course because my heart’s desire was to truly KNOW God. I’m so grateful YadaFactor has taught me to hear His voice and Know His heart. Thank the Lord, my quiet times are not so quiet anymore!
What do you like about coaching?
I am honored to be part of teaching sisters in Christ to hear God’s voice in ways they never have before. It is truly a privilege to see eyes opened to the Word of God!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I am the incredibly grateful mom of 5 children and have the privilege of homeschooling as well! So, when spare time comes around, I enjoy sitting with a good book or taking a walk beside Lake Okeechobee! We have beautiful sunsets from our backyard in Pahokee, Florida!
What one word would you use to describe YadaFactor?
Why would you suggest YadaFactor to friends and family?
YadaFactor has taught me the greatest, most effective way to study God’s Word and hear His voice. Every single aspect of life is positively impacted when we learn to consistently listen to God and others. YadaFactor is a valuable tool!
Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YadaFactor community?
I am praying for you and encouraged by your faithfulness.
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?
My husband and I are raising our children on the same property my great grandparents settled over 100 years ago! We currently have four generations of “Salvatores” living in houses around our property!