We recently finished our summer YadaFactor Experience course and as usual I am in awe of the testimonies that tell of new habits and changed lives. As our participants learn methods to strengthen their relationship with God, the results they share are always so inspiring. New habits are changing lives through strength, courage, growth, and resilience.
In his book Resilient, John Eldredge reveals a path toward resilience through Jesus himself. I don’t know about you, but I for one have found the past two years to be a time where much resilience was needed. And now, when my sweet state of Florida is recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Ian, I am reminded just how much a resilient soul is necessary to carry us through our storms!
When I was first introduced to YadaFactor I was intrigued and had to learn more. I immediately signed up for the YadaFactor Experience course and I, too, had a testimony of new habits and a changed life! These habits have created space for a deeper relationship with God that allows me to be still to hear His voice guiding me daily through my journey. My changed life puts God in the center of everything that I do, with a big faith that continues to grow every single day.
My big faith comes from practice, every-single-day! When I practice my faith, it leads to great fruit and rewards. My big faith provides resilience that strengthens my soul – resilience when devastation hits or even when I am just feeling like my day is not going the way I planned. When we are in relationship with God, our souls are strengthened, and we can be encouraged by His faithfulness. The evil one prowls around, trying to damage our souls and destroy our faith, but big faith is hard to destroy!
I am not saying that everything is always easy, but being in the word, being still, and having a daily relationship with God gives me strength and resilience. And when the evil one tries harder to destroy my faith, the full armor of God’s protection is available to me. Great resilience of our heart and soul comes from our relationship with our Lord and Savior. We discover the strength available through Jesus and being in His word.
Colossians 2:6-7 provides the instructions for how to practice our big faith…
“So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Right in the middle, Colossians 2:6-7 provides the instruction to practice our big faith. Being in the word daily opens my heart and soul to receive the message God has for me and to live my life rooted and built up in Him.
As I hear from friends and family who have been part of the recovery efforts in Florida, one thing I hear consistently is the resilience of the people impacted – thankful for what they have been able to salvage and working together to rebuild and recover. I don’t know about you, but I want to have resilience like this all the time…rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as I was taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Heavenly Father, thank you for providing a space for me to grow, heal, and receive your gift of peace. On the hard days I come to you first and seek comfort and strength through the resilience you provide. I pray that others find resilience in relationship with you.
Christine Brevik is the Executive Director of YadaFactor and enjoys sharing how the YadaFactor process has impacted her personally.
The YadaFactor process has provided me the tools and discipline to be in the word and go deeper in relationship with God. I pray you too can experience a deeper relationship that provides opportunity to hear God through the peaks and valleys of your journey.