What drew you to YadaFactor?
Mona Glick was in my Bible Study Fellowship class two years in a row and she was on fire for YadaFactor. I finally tried it when my daughter-in-law showed interest. Little did I know how it would change my life!
What do you like about coaching?
I love watching God work in other women’s lives as they learn to hear Him. The joy that participants have as they go deeper with God is contagious!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love reading and word games. I also enjoy walks with family in the countryside of Central New York, where our kids and grandkids live.
What one word would you use to describe YadaFactor?
Why would you suggest YadaFactor to friends and family?
It helps you read your Bible for transformation, not just information, and helps you spend consistent time with God so you can know Him more, love Him more, and become more like Him. That’s the point of it all, right?!
Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YadaFactor community?
I used to be extremely nervous about coaching, but have come to realize that if I simply prepare a little, show up with love and humility, and share how I do Yada, that’s enough for God to work with. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 lived out! I also hope that all the coaches know to approach me with any questions or concerns about coaching or for prayer requests. I’m here to help!
Is there anything else we should know about you?
I’ve been saddened to see the tone Christians take with each other over issues that divide us – whether political or theological. What I love about YadaFactor is that believers with differing opinions meet to focus on God and what He is saying to them personally. Celebrating that with each other brings unity to the body of Christ that is sorely needed. I’m grateful to be part of such a worthy ministry, for such a time as this.