When a doctor says words like “biopsy,” “cancer,” or “oncologist,” your mind can go to frightening places. That’s what happened to Steve and me when we received the news of his prostate cancer. Our story in July’s blog, “Learning to Walk on Water,” may have left you hanging, so here’s what happened as we continued to take courage.
God healed my husband and protected our marriage! Steve has been cancer free for over 10 years! We got through the market collapse of 2008 that hurt so many of us. It was very difficult to go through, but there were many victories as we chose daily to get out of the boat of loss and keep “walking” to Jesus.
Over time, we continue to see how God uses every trial, in mysterious ways, as a catalyst for deeper communion with Himself. God didn’t always answer our prayers the way we asked, but He answered them in ways that grew us to trust Him more, especially when it became so hard to understand what was happening.
Recently our pastor, David Cassidy, became very sick and close to death from a small spider bite. But God was faithful to heal him! When he came back, Pastor David preached a powerful message from Psalm 23 that he had been slated to preach five weeks prior. He made a profound observation about how life’s trials can become intimate adventures with God Himself.
Pastor David noted that Psalm 23 begins with King David talking about God. He is his shepherd, He makes him lie down, He leads him, He restores his soul. He, He, He. But after King David walked through “the valley of the shadow of death,” God become personal to him. “You are with me; your rod and staff comfort me…You prepare a table…You anoint my head.” You, You, You.
The same thing happened to Steve and me. God became even more personal during our time in the valley. We don’t just talk about God. We know God is with us, continuing to grow us, inviting new levels of trust in His love. Life can be scary, but He has a way of turning scary “boat rides” into adventures of deeper communion with Him.
Debbie Csutoros, Founder