Team Member Spotlight: Dana Nicewander

By February 23, 2022Blogroll

Hi everyone! My name is Dana Nicewander and I have been practicing Yada for 15 years. I currently serve as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida and I also serve on the Board of Directors of YadaFactor.

A few months ago, when the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were nearing, my schedule and responsibilities became even more demanding than usual.  I noticed in my Yada journal that I had been missing a lot of time with the Lord. My heart, soul and spirit noticed it as well.  I’m guessing there have been times when you have experienced this as well. Sometimes three or four days would pass before I made it to my desk to open my Bible and spend time with God. Too long between sips of living water.

It seemed like I was running from one deadline to the next, simply trying to keep my head above water and breathe. Ever feel this way? Some mornings I simply did not believe I had time to fit in another thing, let alone linger and savor my time in the Word. So, I did what I was originally taught through YadaFactor, and I prayed and asked God where He wanted me to be in Scripture. My mind screamed that it needed to be easy. My heart said it needed to be simple. It needed to be somewhere that would not require too much mental energy or I knew I would not engage.

The Holy Spirit gave me clarity. I was to praise Him during the holiday season and so I was sent to the book of Psalms. But to add a little twist, the Lord put on my heart to read the Psalms backward, starting at Psalm 150 and working my way to Psalm 1. Why not take a fresh approach?

I remember thinking to myself, “How hard can it be? Certainly, I can read one psalm a day.” I still repeat this to myself on mornings when the TO DO LIST is calling, “Certainly, Dana, you can read one psalm today!” This gets me to my desk. This gets me to my Bible and my journal. The Spirit guides from there.

Today I read Psalm 67. Tomorrow will be Psalm 66 (a mind bender, I know!)  I was reminded that His face shining upon me is enough. It was enough for the Israelites. It is enough for me. Had I rushed through my morning, I would have missed this incredible truth.

My New Year’s resolution: Mary first, then Martha.

Comments or feedback? Contact Dana at