I have found great comfort in knowing that God is with me always! When I stumble he upholds me. When I am overwhelmed he lifts me up. When I cry out to him he listens. No matter how hard things may be, I remain in the truth that God is with me, always!
The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV)
As I reflect on Psalm 37:23-24, I realize I have a part in this so that God is delighted in my ways and making my steps firm. I am reminded to keep God at the center and to pause and recognize all that is good in the midst of chaos. But the hard part of the stumble can be the period of time waiting for God to uphold me.
The space between the stumble and being upheld may not always be immediate.
But I have come to know that God works in the wait! And sometimes it’s the wait that can be important. Am I joyful for what I have or too fixed on what the future will look like? Waiting can be so hard sometimes – it can be confusing, emotional and discouraging. But remaining in the truth that God will uphold me provides firm ground.
I want to be joyful in the wait and notice all that is good every day. Pausing to notice nature, personal connections, and the peace that is available to me. I don’t want to “pass the time.” I want to be intentional, trusting God every step of the way, knowing he will always uphold me in ways that honor him. I am learning that the space in the wait can be so beautiful when I pause, pray, and trust God!
How are you spending time in the wait?
I encourage you to notice the ways God is upholding you!
Written by Christine Brevik, Executive Director