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His Mercy

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Happy New Year!

As we start the new year, I am excited and encouraged to see what God has planned for YadaFactor in 2023. Our winter courses are starting next week with only one spot open! We also have another course in Nepal starting mid-February. God is so good!

With so much to celebrate I am also reminded that the new year is a popular time for resolutions, new focus, and creating new habits. While I love the approach of starting fresh in the new year, I have always wondered why we wait for a calendar to prompt us to start something new. I like to think that every day is an opportunity to start new. A fresh day, a do-over, a chance to reconcile and regain focus. To me, that is what the YadaFactor process is all about. When I think about fresh starts in a new year it reminds me of the hope found in Lamentations 3:22 – 23.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT)

Lamentations is full of so much hardship, but then comes the beautiful message of hope. Hope that can come from a new year, but also comes “afresh each morning”!

My morning time with God is so precious and provides the hope of a new day. That hope comes from my quiet time in scripture, journaling, and sharing what I am hearing God say to me. It has provided the framework that allows me to start new things, refocus, and form new habits any day of the year. Every day is a new day, a new beginning, and a new opportunity to learn, grow, and go deeper in my relationship with God. Can you imagine if God waited until the start of the new year to make things new. I for one am thankful that “his mercies begin afresh each morning”!

Although the calendar is a great reminder to celebrate and reflect on the previous year while refocusing on the new year, I am rooted in the knowledge that God is with me every day. He waits for me patiently with love, grace, and forgiveness as I form new habits and focus on putting him at the center of all that I do.  Every day is a new day to start fresh and receive the mercy that God gives so graciously.

How will you start fresh and receive God’s mercy today?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to start fresh every day. Be with me, guide me, and help me recognize the mercy you provide in the midst of chaos. When I get discouraged, I will remain in the truth that your faithful love never ends. Amen

Christine Brevik, Executive Director

I am honored and humbled to be serving in this ministry as we continue to grow and explore new opportunities to share the YadaFactor Experience with more and more people. We have an incredibly dedicated team of board members, coaches, volunteers, and internal support staff that make everything we do possible. Join us in prayer as we ask for God’s continued blessing over the mission He has placed before us. 

Coaches Spotlight: Asmita Lama

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What drew you to YadaFactor?

Being able to connect myself with the Bible everyday.

What do you like about coaching?

I learn more myself and enjoy helping young sisters in Christ in my country of Nepal.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to write songs and conduct business research.

What one word would you use to describe YadaFactor?


Why would you suggest YadaFactor to friends and family?

It changes your life and brings you back to God everyday.

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YadaFactor community?

I am amazed and thankful for this opportunity because with YadaFactor my sisters are able to learn more about God with me.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?

I can’t wait to take more women and girls through YadaFactor.

Big Faith

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We recently finished our summer YadaFactor Experience course and as usual I am in awe of the testimonies that tell of new habits and changed lives. As our participants learn methods to strengthen their relationship with God, the results they share are always so inspiring. New habits are changing lives through strength, courage, growth, and resilience.

In his book Resilient, John Eldredge reveals a path toward resilience through Jesus himself. I don’t know about you, but I for one have found the past two years to be a time where much resilience was needed. And now, when my sweet state of Florida is recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Ian, I am reminded just how much a resilient soul is necessary to carry us through our storms!

When I was first introduced to YadaFactor I was intrigued and had to learn more. I immediately signed up for the YadaFactor Experience course and I, too, had a testimony of new habits and a changed life! These habits have created space for a deeper relationship with God that allows me to be still to hear His voice guiding me daily through my journey. My changed life puts God in the center of everything that I do, with a big faith that continues to grow every single day.

My big faith comes from practice, every-single-day! When I practice my faith, it leads to great fruit and rewards. My big faith provides resilience that strengthens my soul – resilience when devastation hits or even when I am just feeling like my day is not going the way I planned. When we are in relationship with God, our souls are strengthened, and we can be encouraged by His faithfulness. The evil one prowls around, trying to damage our souls and destroy our faith, but big faith is hard to destroy!

I am not saying that everything is always easy, but being in the word, being still, and having a daily relationship with God gives me strength and resilience. And when the evil one tries harder to destroy my faith, the full armor of God’s protection is available to me. Great resilience of our heart and soul comes from our relationship with our Lord and Savior. We discover the strength available through Jesus and being in His word.

Colossians 2:6-7 provides the instructions for how to practice our big faith

“So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Right in the middle, Colossians 2:6-7 provides the instruction to practice our big faith. Being in the word daily opens my heart and soul to receive the message God has for me and to live my life rooted and built up in Him.

As I hear from friends and family who have been part of the recovery efforts in Florida, one thing I hear consistently is the resilience of the people impacted – thankful for what they have been able to salvage and working together to rebuild and recover. I don’t know about you, but I want to have resilience like this all the time…rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as I was taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Heavenly Father, thank you for providing a space for me to grow, heal, and receive your gift of peace. On the hard days I come to you first and seek comfort and strength through the resilience you provide. I pray that others find resilience in relationship with you.



Christine Brevik is the Executive Director of YadaFactor and enjoys sharing how the YadaFactor process has impacted her personally.

The YadaFactor process has provided me the tools and discipline to be in the word and go deeper in relationship with God. I pray you too can experience a deeper relationship that provides opportunity to hear God through the peaks and valleys of your journey.



Let “He” Become “You”

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When a doctor says words like “biopsy,” “cancer,” or “oncologist,” your mind can go to frightening places. That’s what happened to Steve and me when we received the news of his prostate cancer. Our story in July’s blog, “Learning to Walk on Water,” may have left you hanging, so here’s what happened as we continued to take courage.

God healed my husband and protected our marriage! Steve has been cancer free for over 10 years! We got through the market collapse of 2008 that hurt so many of us.  It was very difficult to go through, but there were many victories as we chose daily to get out of the boat of loss and keep “walking” to Jesus.

Over time, we continue to see how God uses every trial, in mysterious ways, as a catalyst for deeper communion with Himself. God didn’t always answer our prayers the way we asked, but He answered them in ways that grew us to trust Him more, especially when it became so hard to understand what was happening.

Recently our pastor, David Cassidy, became very sick and close to death from a small spider bite. But God was faithful to heal him!  When he came back, Pastor David preached a powerful message from Psalm 23 that he had been slated to preach five weeks prior. He made a profound observation about how life’s trials can become intimate adventures with God Himself.

Pastor David noted that Psalm 23 begins with King David talking about God. He is his shepherd, He makes him lie down, He leads him, He restores his soul. He, He, He. But after King David walked through “the valley of the shadow of death,” God become personal to him. “You are with me; your rod and staff comfort me…You prepare a table…You anoint my head.” You, You, You.

The same thing happened to Steve and me.  God became even more personal during our time in the valley.  We don’t just talk about God.  We know God is with us, continuing to grow us, inviting new levels of trust in His love.  Life can be scary, but He has a way of turning scary “boat rides” into adventures of deeper communion with Him.

Debbie Csutoros, Founder

Coaches Spotlight: Ann Hollensen

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What drew you to YadaFactor? 

Mona Glick was in my Bible Study Fellowship class two years in a row and she was on fire for YadaFactor. I finally tried it when my daughter-in-law showed interest. Little did I know how it would change my life!

What do you like about coaching?

I love watching God work in other women’s lives as they learn to hear Him. The joy that participants have as they go deeper with God is contagious!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love reading and word games. I also enjoy walks with family in the countryside of Central New York, where our kids and grandkids live.

What one word would you use to describe YadaFactor?


Why would you suggest YadaFactor to friends and family?

It helps you read your Bible for transformation, not just information, and helps you spend consistent time with God so you can know Him more, love Him more, and become more like Him. That’s the point of it all, right?!

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YadaFactor community?

I used to be extremely nervous about coaching, but have come to realize that if I simply prepare a little, show up with love and humility, and share how I do Yada, that’s enough for God to work with. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 lived out! I also hope that all the coaches know to approach me with any questions or concerns about coaching or for prayer requests. I’m here to help!

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I’ve been saddened to see the tone Christians take with each other over issues that divide us – whether political or theological. What I love about YadaFactor is that believers with differing opinions meet to focus on God and what He is saying to them personally. Celebrating that with each other brings unity to the body of Christ that is sorely needed. I’m grateful to be part of such a worthy ministry, for such a time as this.

Balloon Ride

By | Debbie Csutoros | No Comments

This summer, my husband Bob and I had the wonderful blessing of being able to take our 12-year-old granddaughter Emily to Steamboat Springs, Colorado, on a Road Scholar intergenerational trip.  Nine grandparents, eight kids, and two leaders spent a week hiking, white water rafting, horseback riding, and (the highlight of the week) an amazing hot air balloon ride.

In recent months, I have been very intentional about being aware of Jesus’ presence throughout my days.  So, while at our highest elevation, I turned my attention inward to seek Him.  I was greeted with His beautiful face, bright with sunlight, wind in His hair, and He was laughing! I was delighted and laughed with Him, treasuring this beautiful moment of being fully alive and present with Jesus, Bob, and Emily.

After we landed, the balloon operator presented each of the kids with a certificate, which included the date and location of their balloon ride.  Included in the certificate was the following poem, which I believe God gave me as a confirmation that He really was there.

The winds have welcomed you with softness.

The sun has blessed you with warm hands.

You have flown so high and so well,

that God has joined you in your laughter

and set you gently back again

into the loving arms of Mother Earth.

Thank you, dear Father!!!


Christine Davis, YadaFactor Coach, with granddaughter Emily

Coaches Spotlight: Joi Lively

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What drew you to YadaFactor?

I would have to say the Holy Spirit drew me to YadaFactor! I had been consistently asking God to reveal Truth to me during my frustratingly quiet times with Him. A friend, who has since become very dear to me, invited me to sign up for the course and I immediately considered the words I would use to politely decline her invitation. My introverted nature began to sweat thinking about sharing with other women in a small group. The leading of the One who knows me better than I know myself was very persistent! I said yes to the course because my heart’s desire was to truly KNOW God. I’m so grateful YadaFactor has taught me to hear His voice and Know His heart. Thank the Lord, my quiet times are not so quiet anymore!

What do you like about coaching?

I am honored to be part of teaching sisters in Christ to hear God’s voice in ways they never have before. It is truly a privilege to see eyes opened to the Word of God!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am the incredibly grateful mom of 5 children and have the privilege of homeschooling as well! So, when spare time comes around, I enjoy sitting with a good book or taking a walk beside Lake Okeechobee! We have beautiful sunsets from our backyard in Pahokee, Florida!

What one word would you use to describe YadaFactor?


Why would you suggest YadaFactor to friends and family?

YadaFactor has taught me the greatest, most effective way to study God’s Word and hear His voice. Every single aspect of life is positively impacted when we learn to consistently listen to God and others. YadaFactor is a valuable tool!

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YadaFactor community?

I am praying for you and encouraged by your faithfulness.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?

My husband and I are raising our children on the same property my great grandparents settled over 100 years ago! We currently have four generations of “Salvatores” living in houses around our property! 

Learning to Walk on Water

By | Debbie Csutoros | No Comments

Adventure is about risky, unknown pathways outside the usual. Adventures can be exciting, exhilarating, even scary.

Peter’s adventure was in the midst of a storm, daring to step out of his boat to join Jesus, walking on the water! How do you think he told the story of what happened that night? I’m guessing it was about walking on the water, not sinking.  Or maybe it was.  Regardless, it was likely a story he told with excitement in his voice because Jesus did the impossible through him!  God was teaching him a faith that can exceed human boundaries.

In 2007, Steve and I found ourselves in a cancer storm. While camping that summer, we received a call from the doctor that Steve had advanced prostate cancer.  Shortly after this, Steve’s dear father passed away. Like the disciples, we were in a storm, and we were “terrified.” (Matthew 14:26).

Then 2008 rolled around and the economy crashed. We found ourselves crying out like Peter, “Lord, save me (us)!” (v. 30). As if that were not enough, a dream investment became a nightmare. But God was teaching us like he taught Peter, to walk by faith not by sight.

By 2014, when this picture was taken, our faith was forced to grow or die. We had to choose faith every day at even greater levels, because another storm came up suddenly in a mountainous legal battle that threatened to sink us. But God was taking us on a soul refining adventure to learn to walk with Him on the water of faith.

When the disciples were terrified, Jesus immediately said three things: “Take courage! “It is I. Don’t be afraid.”  Then Peter said, “Lord if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come.”

Jesus uses our storms to draw us closer to himself.  Whatever storm is blowing in your life, you can KNOW (yada) that Jesus is there and says, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Storms can be painful and scary, but Jesus can answer our prayers in unimaginable ways. Dare we step out of the boat and join Him to transform our fears and worries into purposeful adventure?


Debbie Csutoros

Coaches Spotlight: Laurie Connors

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What drew you to YadaFactor?

I became friends with Pegi through Bible Study Fellowship over 20 years ago. Early on, we met together to discuss Christian books. She spoke about how her mom mentored many people for years following 12 step guidelines. Pegi recognized how Christian women could benefit from conversation guidelines and connected it with God’s Word (the original “Big Book”!)

What do you like about coaching?

Coaching keeps me grounded. In these turbulent times I have something steady that I can look forward to. God blesses me through staying connected to Him. Giving back to Him by serving through YadaFactor is truly for my benefit!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to drive so I take trips to meet with family or friends monthly if I can. I also like to see an Opera in the movie theater… who knew I would love Opera!

What one word would you use to describe YadaFactor?


Why would you suggest YadaFactor to friends and family?

For the chance to develop a relationship with the God of the Universe!

Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YadaFactor community?

I am thankful for how God weaves together relationships with my sisters in Christ that endure, even when we don’t see or talk to each other often. After all these years of living the Gospel, how is it possible that I still find it difficult to share it with others? I take some comfort in knowing actions speak louder than words. I walk forward in expectant hope that Jesus is perfecting this in me, one minute at a time.

What Did God Say To You Today?

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I always marvel at the feedback we receive at the end of each course. This time was no exception as our Spring courses concluded the week of June 13th. Hearing from our YadaFactor Experience (YFE) course participants always brings a smile to my face as I marvel at how God continues to bless us all. Below are some of the most recent comments we have received from course graduates.

  • “Before my Yada Factor Experience course, I struggled to hear from God.  Since taking the course, I realized how much I was missing out on the fullness of God in my life. Instead of analyzing and ruminating over life’s big decisions, I learned to listen for God’s leading through the written word.  As a result, I am beginning to find God’s peace in the midst of trials and my passion for God has been rekindled.”
  • “I realize now that I’ve been dependent on devotionals and now, I’m encouraged to begin anew with a new perspective and new tools.”
  • “The fact that the course was 7 weeks long helped get me into a great routine and helped me with accountability to hold me to a daily quiet time.”
  • “This experience has enhanced my desire to continue to “grow” my time with HIM instead of allowing it to sink from “first place”.”
  • “I am more focused and intentional about spending time with God.”

A big welcome to our newest YFE graduates to the YadaFactor member community! We are excited that you have joined us as we continue to read, write and share while asking “What did God say to you today?”

Click here to register for summer courses. 

Christine Brevik, Chief Operating Officer