The Greatest Gift: Connecting With God
“How I spend time with God has changed everything for me. Not so much the circumstances in my life–but the faith I have to face each day, knowing and believing God is in control.” -Julie
Some of you saw Julie’s testimonial video in the spring, or you read a snippet of her story in our recent Yada letter. Now, take a deeper dive into her journey.
The Descent Into Darkness
In the darkest corners of life, where declining mental health, life-controlling issues, and addictions held my teenage daughter, Kate, captive, I found myself drowning in despair. Hopelessness enveloped me like a suffocating fog, and I felt powerless to save her. Kate’s struggle with severe anxiety and depression had reached a point where it felt like the ground beneath us was crumbling.
My desperation drove me to explore any avenue that could offer me a glimmer of light. During this desperate search for help, a friend mentioned YadaFactor’s free class. With nothing to lose, I enrolled, unsure of what it entailed or how it could make a difference.
The Turning Point
YadaFactor changed everything for me. The class taught me to quiet my heart, open my Bible, and ask God a simple yet profound question each day: “What do you want to say to me today, Lord?” This practice became a lifeline, connecting me to a source of strength and guidance I had never fully tapped into before.
For over a year, I wrestled with God, pleading for Kate’s freedom and salvation. As her struggles intensified, so did my cries to the Lord. Things had gotten so bad I wondered each morning if today was the day I would wake to find her lifeless. Yet, in the midst of this darkness, God spoke promises over me about Kate and my whole family, assuring me that He had not forgotten us.
His Divine Intervention
He walked me through Philippians, Hosea, 2 Peter, and the book of John, all the while assuring me that His presence is unwavering and He meets broken people where they are and can transform them instantly. He wept with me before working miracles, just like Jesus did with Mary and Martha in John 11. And through the raising of Lazarus, He demonstrated that life can spring forth when He shouts into the abyss.
Hope Shines Brightly
In early November, a sudden breakthrough occurred when Kate, out of nowhere, requested help—a real and serious intervention beyond what we could provide at home. On the eve of Thanksgiving, we enrolled her in a year-long residential program that offers her freedom from her life-controlling issues through the power and love of Christ. While we are apart, she will receive Christian discipleship, academic support, and critical life skills training to become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, and spiritually alive.
He Calms The Storm
God is calming the seas for us, just like Jesus did for the disciples in John 6:16-21 when they got caught in the water during a raging storm. The strong winds blew, and the waters raged. Their boat pitched and rolled. Their feeble efforts did little to get them anywhere. Oh, how I could relate.
Then came Jesus, walking on the water toward them. They welcomed him into their boat, and verse twenty-one says, “Immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.”
While the road ahead for my family will continue to be undoubtedly challenging, I find solace in the promises spoken over me during this past year in my Yada-time with God. He has already reassured me that this was His plan and that He can and WILL turn things around.
A Glimpse of New Life
Two weeks ago, a message from the school director brought us unexpected joy. Kate had painted a fantastic self-portrait, a testament to her newfound strength and beauty. It is a tangible sign that she is on her path to recovery, and I saw glimpses of her returning to life—but this time, a new, abundant life in Christ.
The Power of Community
Motivated by a profound gratitude for the tools I was given, I became a YadaFactor coach. I want to guide individuals toward a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord. Becoming a coach has not only allowed me to pay forward the gift of a deeper connection with God but also opened the door to a vibrant community of incredible women. Together, we navigate our faith journeys, support each other, and rejoice in a more intimate relationship with the Lord.
YadaFactor has been more than a tool for hearing God; it has woven me into a community of like-minded believers—my Yada brothers and sisters. Their unwavering support, prayers, and encouragement have sustained my family through this difficult year.
Today, I hope you are reminded that if God can grant me the faith to endure such trials, He can guide us ALL through the storms of our lives. If you have never taken the online YadaFactor course, it’s only seven weeks and free! Sign up today for the next session before all the spots are full. Maybe you’ve taken the class, but you need a refresher. Sign up again. I took the class twice before I started coaching.
A Final Message From Julie
The YadaFactor classes are only free because of the generosity of our donors, who give their resources so everyone can access the tools that help them reorient their lives vertically, wrestle truthfully, and listen fiercely to the voice of the Lord. Please consider giving to YadaFactor before the end of 2023. I hope my story shows you that YadaFactor is truly changing lives.