Jeremiah 32:8 “I knew this was the word of the Lord, so I bought the field”
The city of Jerusalem was besieged; Jeremiah would likely have heard the siege ramps being built against the high walls protecting the city. But Jeremiah did not concern himself with that.He had a story to tell about God and how he was calling him to personal action in the midst of chaos.
He was affirmed by God to buy a field at such an unreasonable time. But he knew God was speaking to him, right there in the middle of all the commotion. Later in the chapter, God gives Jeremiah a deeper understanding of what the deed to this property meant to the covenant promises God had for Israel. But only after Jeremiah obeyed.
A commentary on this story said, “We wonder sometimes what God’s will for us is, or how we can know what it is, then something happens or we meet someone who, without knowing it, says or does something that confirms for us the way ahead.”
“Intentional” Wondering
At YadaFactor we still wonder, but we do it with intention! Without an intentional action plan for discernment and spiritual growth, we are far more apt to lose focus and get distracted. Without an intentional plan, we start dismissing the internal wondering for voices and choices not of God. We are more easily wooed by our own wants and desires. Voices like: “You can’t know for certain.” “Things won’t change.” “Does it really matter anyway?”
Intentionality in Yada is reading, re-reading, writing, reviewing, verbally processing a week at a time to see and hear God; we learn to wonder intentionally.
An Invitation To Increased Clarity
We invite you to our next online course, YadaFactor Experience. This is an invitation to do more than take a course to learn to hear God. It is an invitation to enter more deeply into God’s story with your own life story one day at a time. Whatever is happening in your life, God wants to speak to you, to lead you, and experience with you the joy of knowing that He is speaking.
The Yada Experience
Learning to hear God from an experienced Yada Coach provides the essential guidance you need to listen and hear with confidence. We believe it may be what is missing in the church today. We have so much Christian information available, but how do we know what is for us personally?
If Jeremiah had relied on his reasoning as to whether he should buy the field that day, it may have not happened. But, having learned to hear God over many years of experiences with God, he could confidently take action.
Our next course starts soon. Learn more at www.YadaFactor.com