What drew you to YadaFactor?
I had just finished a Bible Study “Discerning The Voice of God” and at the conclusion of the study I still had no idea how to hear God’s voice. The study explained why it’s important and that it certainly is possible to hear God’s voice, but it fell short of telling us HOW to hear God’s voice. Debbie Csutoros’ mom, Carole, was in my table discussion during that Bible Study and she introduced me to Debbie, who coached me in the Yada method. I knew there was something different, deeper, richer about Yada. It kept drawing me back as I learned to hear God’s voice as a whisper at first, then he began to speak louder and clearer. Yada is now as much a part of me as breathing. It’s my lifeline.
What do you like about coaching?
I love coaching!! I love meeting the women in each class and never want to give them up. I love watching their initial confusion of what Yada is all about turn into insight. Their trepidation about journaling, sharing and giving feedback turns into something they look forward to as they grasp the process. I love hearing their stories of how God answered prayer or how they heard God speak, often for the first time. Many share how they are learning to let God lead in the midst of some pretty difficult situations. I love being given the opportunity and blessing to be used by God in such an amazing way.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to read. I love to walk and I have completed 12 half marathons. I love riding my bike. And I also love FaceTime with my three grandchildren.
What one word would you use to describe Yada?
Why would you suggest Yada to friends and family?
I know and have experienced, many times, God’s working power in situations in my life. I have witnessed his changing of MY plans into his plans. I hear his voice sometimes as gentle as a whisper and at other times he roars like a lion, but one thing is sure because of Yada, he absolutely speaks.
Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community?
I’m grateful that we are in such an amazing community doing this together. We are getting ready to sell our home in Florida and build a home in eastern Tennessee and we’ll be living and traveling in our 45′ fifth wheel motorhome. YIKES!!!