What drew you to YadaFactor?
I was introduced to this thing called YadaFactor about 10 years ago when my family lived in Boca Raton. A friend from our church invited me to attend an informational meeting about Yada and I loved what I heard! I was active in a local triad for a few years before my family moved to the Orlando area. Though we plugged into a church right away, and I was active in the women’s Bible studies, I still felt the void of YadaFactor. Frustrated and struggling a bit, I happened to do a google search and found the YadaFactor website. I connected with Debbie Csutoros, who encouraged me to sign up for the beta online YadaFactor class they were getting ready to offer. I did so, and it was the breath of fresh Holy Spirit filled air that I needed! Though the practice of YadaFactor hadn’t really changed, the depth of information presented in the course really just brought new life to YadaFactor for me! I still find it amazing to see what God has done over the years to grow YadaFactor!
What do you like about coaching?
There is a lot to like about coaching! I love YadaFactor, so it is obviously exciting to share my passion for this practice of meeting with God with others! It is exciting to see the transformation and growth of the class participants, and it is incredibly fulfilling to be a part of another believer’s journey to finding deeper intimacy with God. You would think that coaches are blessing others with their time, efforts, etc., and they are! But what i find surprising is how blessed I am each time I coach!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I have a lot more spare time now that my husband and I are empty nesters. That said, I still field lots of phone calls that fly in randomly from grown child 1, 2 or 3! I enjoy hanging out with my honey of 27+ years, and we’ve enjoyed leading a church small group together over the past few years. I’ve also been taking some online classes through Reformation Bible College, which have me reading books I would never have read on my own, writing papers (which I surprisingly, thoroughly enjoy), and taking exams (which I unsurprisingly, thoroughly loathe!). I also help a little here and there as needed with YadaFactor behind the scenes, because I just can’t get enough of it! And though I love the social and relational pieces of YadaFactor, I really am an introverted homebody, so I love my time at home with my standard poodle and golden doodle! I walk them daily and love to exercise (I know, I’m weird)! Lately, the bulk of my spare time has been spent purging our home as we anticipate a move to New Jersey sometime this spring.
What one word would you use to describe Yada?
Precious! This seems to be the word I come back to again and again during YadaFactor classes. The YadaFactor method has created for me a precious time with the Lord. Something that used to feel more like a to-do for me has morphed into the highlight of my days! To know God intimately is simply precious. And it truly is a precious gift to be able to share this with others through coaching!
Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community?
I am thankful for the community of coaches within YadaFactor! I am super thankful for all the hard work put in behind the scenes to make YadaFactor possible. I know it is truly a labor of love! We are all blessed by the faithfulness of those involved!