

Coach Spotlight: Beverly Ristuccia

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YadaFactor coaches are volunteers who make this ministry possible! This month we are spotlighting Beverly. Fun fact about Beverly…she was the first person God called to volunteer with YadaFactor back in 2018. We are excited to share more about her!


What drew you to YadaFactor?

Years ago God had prepared me and given me a desire to work in a discipleship counseling ministry with women who were struggling with life issues. Years later a move to Florida made it impractical to continue ministering to these women so I began petitioning the Lord to direct and show me how I could continue to serve women in some capacity. I became acquainted with YadaFactor during that time of seeking the Lord’s will through a “Taste of YadaFactor” workshop and it was then that I heard and felt God’s call to become a part of this ministry. The thought of teaching women to hear the voice of God was so exciting to me that I never hesitated and immediately responded to God’s call that very night.

What do you like about coaching?

My heart’s desire has always been to serve the Lord by ministering to women and encouraging them to grow in their faith walk with the Lord. Coaching at YadaFactor has availed me of that opportunity while being personally gratifying as I get to hear and experience what God is doing in the lives of the women I coach. Sometimes I get to share the gospel with an unbeliever which brings incredible joy as another person becomes a part of the Kingdom of God.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to read non fiction books in my spare time and have fun with my 10 grandchildren. Summers are a special time when the grandchildren all attend “Nanny Summer Camp” with the older ones becoming CITs, Counselors In Training.

What one word would you use to describe Yada?


Is there something special you’d like to share with other coaches in the YF community or those considering becoming a coach?

As a YadaFactor coach, I believe we not only have the privilege of teaching women to hear the voice of God but that we also have the joyful responsibility of intentionally teaching them to hear God’s voice and to grow in an intimate dynamic relationship with their Creator. No one can touch God and not be changed and as coaches we are often blessed by seeing lives of women transformed.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Yes, next to spending time with God and serving Him, I’m joyfully committed to engaging our grandchildren and impacting their lives by imparting a Christian world view and cultivating a heart of gratitude so they will be prepared to navigate the waters of our culture that are ubiquitously filled with unbiblical ideas. This past summer I was so delighted to celebrate the baptism through immersion of five of our grandchildren. My soul rejoiced and I praised God for their witness and commitment to follow Jesus.

Reflections on Trees

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Blog by Christine Davis

My husband and I moved from the coast of Massachusetts to the Berkshire Mountains in western Massachusetts a little more than a year ago.  Since living here, I am just loving the tremendous variety of beautiful trees all around us.  We have a cluster of black cherry trees overhanging our deck, and a stand of white birch very nearby.  As the little black cherries ripen, I observe the tree offering its fruit to birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and bears. I study the birch bark and am intrigued by its texture and beauty.  The clean white bark with its black markings stands out beautifully against the blue sky.  I have collected birch bark and displayed it in bowls and baskets around my house.  I have attempted watercolor paintings of the beautiful bark.  We recently trimmed some branches from the black cherry, and I harvested a few cups of berries and created some tasty jam.

I read in Genesis that, after God created the mass of the earth, then the light, the sky, the land, and the water… then He created the plants and trees.  Trees are the ancient ones, the first living things, before animals.  Just trees, no mammals, no fish, no insects.   Trees came even before the sun and moon, living in God’s pure light.  Trees were here, bearing fruit for no one to eat.  These ancient ones witnessed the creation long before the fall. To God, a day is like a thousand years. (2 Peter 3;8) Who knows how long trees and plants enjoyed this planet in its pristine state?  Is it any wonder that “the trees of the field will clap their hands” (Isa, 55:12) when the Lord’s kingdom fully comes?

Trees played a huge part in the story of the Fall, where one tree bore fruit that imparted eternal life, and another tree’s fruit gave the knowledge of good and evil.  In Revelation, we learn that there will be trees in the new heaven and new earth, whose leaves will bring healing to the nations.  (Rev. 22:2)

Clearly, there is so much more to know about trees than we can ever discover through science.

It was a very cool Godwink when I read Debbie’s recent blog, “W-rest-ling to Listen,” and especially the poem, “Between Two Trees.” Using the process of YadaFactor helps me experience God, connecting dots like this, which confirm His presence in whispers. I quoted the poem below for your reference.


Between Two Trees

by Debbie Csutoros

The rope falls perfectly

Forming a swing for the body.

One leg at a time gently crawls into

its natural sway.

The whole body lays back in rest

between two trees.

How would this be if not for love?

Love sacrificed between two trees, that

we might rest in Thee.

Are you resting?

Are you swaying in the comfort of His rest?

Choose this day

to rest…between two trees.


I love this idea of resting between two trees.  Three crosses, Jesus in the middle, and me resting in the hammock of his love.  Trees are old, steady, and reliable.  They receive from God and give to His creation.  I just love them. How tragic that the Lord of Life was crucified on a tree.  So wrong… and yet exactly right.


Watercolor birch trees ( I’m a beginner )



Bring Back The Bible

By | Blogroll, Debbie Csutoros | 2 Comments

Did you know???

In 2019, over one-third of American adults (35%) said that realistically they never use the Bible outside of a large church service or mass. The proportion of Americans who use the Bible daily also fell to fewer than one in ten (9%), the lowest number on record during the ten years of the State of the Bible research study. – 2020 State of the Bible, Research from American Bible Society and Barna Group

As Bible engagement and understanding have diminished in our society, so have many of the biblical values we hold dear.  

It’s critical to our nation’s future to restore an understanding of biblical truths.


Yada is a Hebrew word that means “to know.”  YadaFactor is “to know and be known intimately by God and others.” YadaFactor is transforming believers into a listening culture one day and one person at a time, using the Bible as our only curriculum. Bringing people back to God’s word is our top priority! The YadaFactor discipleship model puts each student at the feet of the Father, learning to integrate the Word of God with daily life.


This summer we invite you to help us “bring back the Bible” by making a financial contribution to support our ministry efforts. Since launching our online course and coaching model in 2018, we’ve had 191 people go through our 7-week course. The testimonials have been powerful!

“I have grown in faith as I search His Word for His personal instruction, correction, encouragement or direction for me. YADA just makes me fall more in love with Jesus as I realize His faithfulness to meet with me every day.”

“This method teaches how the Bible is the Living Word and applies to me every day in all situations. I can take each moment to God. He wants to hear about every detail. I can test all things against what the Bible says to see if it is true or a lie from the enemy.”

“Now that I have experienced God this way, I won’t be satisfied with less. Through YADA, He has been answering my prayer for a deeper relationship with Him.”



Would you prayerfully consider making a financial contribution to YadaFactor this summer? We are offering our course at no charge again this fall (however, our cost is approx. $425 per person). Your gift makes this possible.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

We’d be delighted to answer any questions you have about YadaFactor or discuss ways you can get involved. 

YadaFactor is a 501c3 organization. Your gift is tax deductible.

Give Today

What do you do with rest? 

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What do you do with rest? 

Does it make you anxious? 

Do you go into “Martha Mode” and make yourself busy to avoid it?

Are you so tired that all you want is sleep when your world becomes silent? 

Honestly, I’ve experienced all of these scenarios (on multiple occasions). 

For a decade I served as Founder and Director of a faith-based nonprofit helping teenage girls recover from sex trafficking. Over 350+ girls and young women received residential care, education, job skills training, counseling, Christian mentors and hope to dream again. Launching a ministry was exciting, but at the same time, it was scary and exhausting. Countless hours were poured into developing, growing and sustaining the ministry from week to week, month to month. Rest did not come easy. In fact, I often wondered if it were even possible?! In 2017, I made the decision to resign. My children were approaching their teenage years and quite frankly, I was pretty fried! Anxiety, depression and restlessness had become a way of life for me.

After resigning, I escaped Charlotte, NC to the beautiful mountains of Montana where I stayed for four months with my family. It was there, in the cold of winter on Flathead Lake, I had to learn how to rest.  I would sit by the fire, open the Bible to wherever my fingers took me, ask the Lord to speak and I would write. I journaled like a crazy woman with many tear soaked papers. Leaving the ministry was like a funeral for me. I didn’t see it then, but oh how I see it now! Many things had to die, in and around me, so that I could enter into true rest. The kind of rest Jesus promises us when He says “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” in Matthew 11:28. The kind of rest that you CAN experience, even in the midst of a busy work season, a tragedy, or stressful season in life.


One word…remain. 

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” –  John 15:7

For the past several years I have been leading a business I founded called Flagship. We coach faith-based nonprofits on fundraising and development. My coaching services led me to connect with YadaFactor in 2018. I was blown away to learn that a ministry like this existed! Bringing people back to God’s word, teaching them how to hear God’s voice while using the Bible as their only curriculum, journaling and sharing in an intimate group of three sounded like something I could really get behind.

Since connecting with YadaFactor, I have been blessed to play a very small role in helping to expand their ministry. I believe wholeheartedly in their vision. I have witnessed the power of their simple, yet deeply rich ministry model, at work in the lives of many…. including myself.  The leadership team has been a great source of encouragement to me and has always provided a trusted place to be transparent.

This summer, Debbie has been challenging us with the theme of rest. A few days ago I skipped out of work and took a day of silence and solitude. I was up against some work deadlines, but I felt God saying come…trust me with those deadlines.

Here I am kicking my feet up, reading, journaling and praying in Lake Lure, NC.

Guess what?

The deadlines were still here waiting for me the next day and everything worked out just fine. 🙂


Join me in praying to remain. It’s a battle we all face from time to time.

Emily Fitchpatrick

Between Two Trees

By | Blogroll, Debbie Csutoros | One Comment

As we move through the summer, we hope you will make time for rest. Not just the hammock kind of rest, but the REAL rest God provides continually through Jesus. This kind of rest is a rest of the soul. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? This is why YadaFactor continues. YadaFactor encourages three vital behaviors – read, write, and share – to hear God’s voice.  But to hear him we must come and be willing to listen.

In Matthew 11:26, Jesus invites us to this deeper rest:

“Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

This is where we will spend the summer, exploring the possibilities of living at rest, while at work and play.


Between Two Trees

by Debbie Csutoros

The rope falls perfectly

Forming a swing for the body.

One leg at a time gently crawls into 

its natural sway. 

The whole body lays back in rest between two trees. 

How would this be if not for love?

Love sacrificed between two trees, that we might rest in Thee.

Are you resting?

Are you swaying in the comfort of His rest?

Choose this day

to rest…between two trees. 

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Approval

By | Blogroll, Debbie Csutoros | 2 Comments

We are excited to share that YadaFactor recently obtained the Guidestar Platinum Seal of Approval!

GuideStar is the world’s largest source of nonprofit data and this designation demonstrates that YadaFactor is an organization focused on measuring our progress and results in order to provide current and potential funders accurate and detailed information. The designation is only awarded to charities illustrating the highest level of responsible fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.

We are proud of achieving the highest rating in GuideStar. This accomplishment demonstrates our commitment to being fully transparent with our mission, metrics and money.  The rating is awarded to those non-profit organizations that can measure program impact while also providing the highest level of transparency and stewardship of donor dollars.

Read the YadaFactor 2020 Annual Report.

Time to PAUSE

By | Blogroll, Debbie Csutoros | No Comments

Today, more than ever, we are faced with valid reasons to fear the future of both ourselves and our children.

Juggling responsibilities, along with increasing demands, leaves us anxious, overwhelmed and totally exhausted.


Maybe it’s time to PAUSE.


Pray for God’s will to be accomplished in your life.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Accept the peace of God.

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalms 32:7


Understand that God is guiding you – yes, even when you feel it least.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9


Seek strength from the Lord.

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11


Engage with God and others.

“If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”  Romans 12:8


Blog by Rebecca Johnson, YadaFactor Participant


Are you a faith blogger, or interested in becoming one? We have volunteer opportunities for female and male “guest” bloggers. Bloggers write short articles sharing insights God reveals from their Yada journal and biblical truths to encourage our growing community in their faith journey. Contact us for more details. 

Member Spotlight: Rebecca Johnson

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As an early riser, who also loves to journal, I strongly connect with Psalm 119:147, which says, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.”  Reading my journal is much like riding a roller coaster with life’s ups and downs, fast starts and slow ends.  Even so, there is peace between the pages as I wait to hear the voice of God.

I first discovered YADA when I met Debbie Csutoros during her visit to my hometown, Asheville, NC.  To say I was intrigued was an understatement! Besides that, it gave me a reason to buy a new journal with clean pages and “fresh book” smell.   As I set off to write my thoughts, fears and desires, I had every hope that God would speak to me.  Speak, He did!  Through every stroke of the pen and every bowed head, I felt my relationship with my Savior grow stronger.

Four years later, I still cherish the early morning hours when I purposely PAUSE to make that special connection with God.

Real Power in the Pause

By | Blogroll, Debbie Csutoros | 2 Comments

Hunger to Pause


Pause to rest, pause to know, pause to feel, pause to grow. 

  Rest in the pause to know.

Know in the pause to feel.

Feel in the pause to grow.

Grow in the pause with Truth.


Truth is the key to rest, to know, to pause, to grow. 

Without the pause hunger remains.

Hunger to rest, hunger to know,

hunger to feel, hunger to grow.



Real Power in the Pause


Attempting to beat the rush I pulled into the Express Car Wash at 7:30 am. As I handed over the keys, I took a deep breath and searched for a spot to sit and pause for a few minutes. I needed my car clean for a funeral later that afternoon. I had two goals: wash the car and get to God’s Word. Joshua 17:7-18 was my next place in the Bible. From this text my journaled observations uncovered something vital.


God still has land promised for me. But to take possession of it I must stop and pause regularly to remember who He is, what He has done and that I too am part of His story. Stopping to pause produces divine power to believe God another day and trust Him to overcome my trials, knowing He fights for me. With His courage I can take possession of all He has promised and live in that land.


The people in these scriptures were a part of a long line of faithful fathers: Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. Now, Joshua was in charge, addressing the children of Joseph and their complaint. They thought they needed more land than what was being allocated. Joshua acknowledged them with a challenge to go and clear the hill country. Their response was faithless, “We can’t, it’s not enough and the Canaanites have iron chariots!” Immediately God began reminding me who these people were and their story with God. These children called Jacob, grandfather! Their father was Joseph, a leader of faith. He was sold by his brothers into slavery and ended up saving his family and nations from famine.  I thought, “Are you kidding me? They were afraid of iron chariots?” In the 15 minutes of waiting for my car to get cleaned, I was struck so deeply by the magnitude of these few verses and how these people were so afraid that they forget who they were!


Joshua had heard faithless words like this before and he knew their implications. He replied to these people in the faith he possessed. He believed for them and said, “You are numerous and very powerful, go clear the land to its furthest limits, it’s all yours.”  Sadly, they failed to do it; they did not take one step forward to receive what God had promised (Judges 1:27). After seeing all God had done in their lifetime, they believed a lie. They focused more on their enemy’s iron chariots than the God they followed. Doubt and fear robbed their future.


The next moment God whispered to me, “What about you, do you trust me to fight for you? Will you go take the land?”

I became aware of how easily I do the same thing.


Every day I have to fight to pause, remember, and believe God.  What has God already done?  Choose to believe it and trust him for my future. I can so easily forget when I choose not to pause. Like you, I’m busy, I have a job and a family. I have a wedding and a funeral. Like you, I know these are just excuses, but at times I believe they’re so valid and then I wonder why I’m discouraged or afraid or unhappy or I feel I have no purpose – poor me. I’m believing the enemy. I am looking at the iron chariots instead of the One who promised me good land, allotted it, and is just waiting for me to take it. Plus, He promises He will fight my enemies for me. What a deal. But this really is the REAL deal. God was actually blowing my mind at the car wash!


As I finish my journal entry it’s the day of my mother-in-law’s funeral. My kids are traveling home and their fights are delayed. There are big storms on the horizon and my car is dirty. I have learned the hard way that I have to battle to pause no matter how busy life gets. I have learned there is real power ignited in me when I prioritize the pause, even if it’s only for a moment. His word is power, fuel to fly in the Spirit that overcomes natural laws of sin and death. I needed to hear from God to remember again who He is, what He has done, and who I am in His story. He has promised land for me and for you. So, I took another deep breath, got up, headed to my car and thought with a giggle, “Wow, how do you do that Lord?”

Recent Testimonials

By | Blogroll, Debbie Csutoros | 2 Comments


We had a wonderful, fruitful semester in The YadaFactor Experience during our Winter 2021 Session. It was such a blessing to serve 24 women and men through the course.

Words used by participants to describe their Yada experience included: growing, calming, deepening, enlightening, stunning, refreshing, loud, exciting, fulfilling, sweet, encouraging, focusing, profound, convicting, conversation, praise, inspired, and anchor. 

Anonymous testimonies from participants this semester: 

  • It has been so good to get into the habit of seeing what God is saying to me through the Bible.
  • I love the structure and aspect of feedback – it takes away a lot of pressure.
  • The feedback from the group/triad helped me hear what I may not have heard. 
  • YADA provides a space of no judgement.
  • With pen in hand and a scripture before me, the Holy Spirit alerts me to what to process that day. I have been finding a lot of encouragement from the Lord in my YADA time in the past 2 months. 
  • I especially like the concept of reading a whole book of the bible as I YADA to more fully see God at work in the scripture rather than a topical scripture approach (in many Bible Studies). Yes, my desire to know God more has increased after YADA. I don’t want to miss what he wants me to hear every day. 
  • The whole experience has been inspirational. I could even hear God’s voice in what other people were sharing, even though it wasn’t about me. 
  • I have learned how to really look closer into my life and where I am as God speaks to me through His Word. 
  • I use the SOAP method in all studies of the Word. When I use my Bible app I am observing God in the scriptures and applying it to my daily life. I am enjoying God in so many ways now more than ever. 
  • The relationship of trust that is formed is precious and real. There is a uniting of purpose with like-minded people. 
  • I am more focused and intentional about spending that time with God. 

YadaFactor is a proven pathway to go deeper with God.  As believers, we have access to an array of Bible studies, workshops, sermons and conferences, but we lack guidance to process this wisdom personally.  Often we miss God’s still small voice.  We have discovered it’s in hearing His voice confidently that we are sustained and transformed.  It’s here God unlocks deep intimacy.

YadaFactor provides the guidance you have been longing for to grow and go deeper with God.

Questions? Contact us!