“I love you, Pegi.”
These were the first words I distinctly heard God say to me. I was in the middle of cleaning dishes and wiping up breakfast spills as I prepared to take my boys to school, then hand in my letter of resignation at work. His voice caught me completely off guard, interrupting the mental rehearsal of the conversation I would soon be having with my boss. Surprised by the peace I felt, I paused my busy activity to listen…closer. “You’re going to write a book. Name it: Revelations of a Housewife. I winced in bemused disbelief. Seriously? Yeah, me, a dyslexic housewife, write a book? I knew I was hearing the One I’d been praying to, only now He was speaking directly and specifically to me while proposing the impossible.
I remember this experience as if it were yesterday, but it actually happened 25 years ago. I’m still listening to His voice of love, but the writing He inspired has lain dormant for many years. Family priorities, YadaFactor ministry, life events, and other excuses have crowded it out. But there’s also something deeper and more daunting that discourages and derails me. Writing words for others is risky. You can’t take them back. Busyness and writer’s block guard against criticism, failure, and vulnerability. Yet the loving call of God remains.
Recently, I stepped down as Director of Training at YadaFactor ministry to manage the changes and logistics of moving three times since COVID began in 2020. Somehow, between downsizing a lifetime of family memories, boxing up our belongings and building a new home, I made my way back to a writing routine three days a week. During it all, there’s been one constant: Intimacy with God when reading His Word, journaling, and sharing with my two sisters, Debbie and Cindy. Loving God first and loving my sisters as I love myself has provided a steady foundation and reminder that no matter how I’m feeling or failing, serving or flailing, I can stand.
Most recently, I’ve been reading through the Book of 1 Chronicles about David’s life. Being with David daily, I’ve plodded along through lots of lists of names, tribes, wars, job descriptions, and preparation for building the Temple. But when I arrived at chapter 17, God showed me something worth all the trudging. This is when David hears the full revelation of God’s plan for his life, spoken through Nathan for the first time.
The Holy Spirit jumped within me, prodding me to stand at spiritual attention as if to say, “Did you get that Pegi? Did you? I gave you the revelation of my plan for your life and asked you to write it so that you may inspire others, just like I did with David.”
Our testimony is powerful! In fact, the loud voice speaking to John in Revelation 12:11 says, “They (believers) overcame him (Satan, the accuser) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Debbie, Cindy and I have witnessed the power to overcome in each other’s lives for the past 18 years. This is why we’re so passionate about helping others experience this gift of Yada intimacy that God gave us!
Pegi with her husband Joel.
Because the Living God has radically transformed her life, Pegi desires to see other women’s lives changed and she is committed to giving them tools to do it. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Florida Atlantic University and has been passionate about sharing YadaFactor with others for 18 years. As part of a mission’s team, Pegi traveled to India, Bangladesh, and Nepal, where she taught YadaFactor and trained leaders. Pegi and her husband Joel have been married for 40 years and have two grown sons, a daughter preparing for college, and two grandchildren. They enjoy family time, travel, kayak adventures, beach walks and nature watching from their home on the Banana River. Pegi’s 15 years of experience as an Al-Anon member has greatly influenced the forming of YadaFactor and her years of listening to God and journaling in Yada have equipped her to persevere in her call to write stories of hope for others.