Our lives today are filled with distractions! When we are distracted, we can’t listen well, because listening well requires focused attention. Since distractions can negatively impact the quality of our time spent with others, we must become more mindful of the things that distract us from being attentive and fully engaged. We must consider the importance of listening well, because listening well really is a ministry! The question to ask ourselves is this: As a listener, how can I best help and minister to this person?
James 1:19 tells us to be quick to hear. Phil. 2:3 tells us to, in humility, value others above ourselves. Matt. 7:12 tells us to do to others what we would have them do to us. So, what does this look like in a conversation? Focused attention. Active listening. Seeking to understand. We can’t expect to give good feedback in our Yada sessions after our partners share if we aren’t attentive when they are sharing. And our attentiveness communicates our love of and respect for them.
So, think about your key distractors! If you aren’t sure what they are, ask your spouse, your kids, or a good friend! Chances are pretty good they’ll be able to suggest one or two! Life is full of distractions, but we don’t have to be ruled by them. 1 Cor. 6:12 says that not everything is good for us, therefore, we must be mindful and we must refuse to let anything have power over us. Do any of the distractions in your life seem to be holding undue power over you? If we aren’t careful, we may soon find that something very good is morphing its way into becoming an idol in our lives. What do you need to let go of?
Yada sisters and brothers, let’s be diligent about listening well!
One of our core YadaFactor values is, after all, Listening Fiercely.
So, learn to be a fierce listener!
Challenge: Make your Yada times phone-free! Nothing is more distracting than someone constantly glancing at their phone. If you are meeting virtually, take care of things (coffee, kids, dogs, spouses) before you meet so you can be set and ready, in a distraction-free place, to listen and share. See what a difference it makes!